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Professionally, I am a Research Specialist in the Neuroscience Research Institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  A majority of my work involves research examining cellular responses in various models of retinal degeneration, however, my research interests also span other realms of neuroscience, such as the use of stem cells as regenerative therapies, examining the effects of neurofibrillary tangles in a model of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as investigating the molecular mechanisms of cell survival by anastasis.  A subset of my scientific photography work has gained recognition in the Nikon Small World: Photomicrography Competition, Olympus Bioscapes International Digital Imaging Competition, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.  These works have also appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Boston.com, Webvision, CBS News, MSNBC, and Jackson ImmunoResearch.  On the personal side, I enjoy photography, long-distance running, obstacle course racing, mindful yoga practices, and learning to play the guitar.

Contact: gabe.luna@gmail.com

Photo Credit: Anthony Horvath